Case Assessment
Receive a comprehensive digital case evaluation with specific recommendations for treatment success. Start to finish, you’ll have fewer surprises and make the best possible decisions along the way.
What’s Included:
Based on your treatment goals and your patients chief concerns, one of ClearAssist’s experienced doctors will evaluate all submitted records to provide a case evaluation with the following information:
Cephalometric analysis (if the digital ceph is submitted)
Certified experienced dentists at ClearAssist will trace the cephalometric x-rays and run analysis you request (Steiner, Down, Wits, Rickett, Jefferson, and ABO analyses); a PDF report provided
Problem list and diagnosis
Clinical applicability for Invisalign treatment
Estimated time for treatment
Recommended case type (Invisalign Go, Comprehensive, Moderate, etc)
Advice regarding attachments and IPR
Possible clinical challenges and what to watch for
Invisalign Prescription Form
Special Instructions for Align technicians
Regular price: C$ 345
50% discount for subscribers